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Week 8

Talk and Perform

Lesson 1


In this lesson, you will be presenting your Composition Task 4, which has been built up from Composition Task 1, 2 and 3..

Present a short 5 minute analysis on your composition, focussing on your use of the techniques covered throughout this course, and the effect they create. You will present to 3-4 other students.

Peer Feedback Guidelines:

Give at least 1 piece of feedback, or have 1 question for the presenting student.  Remember to give kind, specific, and helpful feedback, using the language of the concepts.

Examples of feedback and questions:

  • You've used (technique) to (intended effect), I think that's it's (personal response) because (reason relating to concepts).

  • Have you thought about using (feature) in (instrumental layer) to make it more (effect caused by feature)?

  • What was your process of thinking in choosing (feature) at (section of piece)?

Reflection on EverNote​

On EverNote, reflect on the feedback from peers and the teacher.

Was the composition as effective as you had intended it to be?

What particular ways of using the techniques and features was most appropriate?

What were some suggestions, and how might you incorporate or not incorporate them into your composition?

self reflection.jpeg
Lesson 2


HSC Performance practice run

Input into the Google Survey what piece you are playing, how long it is, and any equipment/accompaniment/backing you need.

Then, refer to the Google Spreadsheet for the order of performance.

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